Sexualidade energética

Ao logo da história têm sido várias as
civilizações que se têm dedicado ao culto e desenvolvimento desta
arte explorando os seus lados mais energéticos e subtil: Chineses, Indianos
Tibetanos e Egípcios.
Estes povos cedo perceberam o enorme potencial energético da energia sexual e o poder a ela associado, daí que, na maioria dos casos o seu ensinamento fosse restrito às cortes e alguns mosteiros.
A sexualidade na sua vertente mais energética é vista como uma eterna fonte de prazer e juventude e não como uma mera forma de alívio de tensão acumulada.
Vivida desta forma, a sexualidade liberta
o praticante de tabus e dependências, torna-o mais consciente do seu
corpo, de si próprio, contribui para a sua auto-estima e promove o respeito por
si próprio e pelo outro.
As praticas sexuais trazidas da Asia e Norte
de Africa são conhecidas como Yoga Sexual e Tantra. Embora com Origens
diferentes, elas têm em comum o facto de darem ao praticante a possibilidade de
se desenvolver nestas artes sozinho, também apelidado de “caminho da direita”
pelos Taoistas ou em parceria com o companheiro.
As práticas são baseadas na
respiração, contrações musculares e ou posturas físicas, como é o caso dos
Asanas do yoga. Em conjunto, elas têm como objectivo o aumento e
libertação da energia sexual a que os Taoistas chamam Jing e os Tantricos
Kundalini. Esta energia serve depois para circular pelo corpo e ser trocada com o parceiro, caso
exista. Esta prática tem enorme
potencial sanador e contribuir para o rejuvenescimento e revitalização do corpo
e espírito.
A sexualidade energética envolve todos os sentidos:
O tacto - através
da utilização da massagem e carícias, o praticante desvenda o seu corpo e do seu amante, descobre áreas de maior
sensibilidade, ganha tempo e faz perdurar o prazer. No casal, a massagem ajuda
e estreitar o elo existente entre os dois.
O olfato - Podemos ser atraídos visualmente
pelo outro, mas segundo estudos feitos na Universidade de Oxford, é o odor que
inconscientemente determina a continuidade
da ligação .
O odor natural do corpo pode ser realçado pelo uso de determinado tipo de perfume,
com o objetivo de atrair ainda mais o companheiro.
Na mulher , o odor varia de acordo com a
fase do mês e quantidade de hormonas existentes no corpo. Certo tipo de
medicamentos, como por exemplo a pilula contraceptiva, pode alterar o odor
natural da mulher.
No homem o odor também varia de acordo com
a quantidade de hormonas e alimentação.
Quando duas pessoas se tornam num casal,
existe um determinado odor que caracteriza o casal e cada um dos intervenientes.
Quando cada um muda de parceiro o odor individual é alterado.
A audição - Pode ser responsável pelo aumento ou decréscimo
da excitabilidade numa relação intima, através dos sons ou palavras emitidas
pelo parceiro.
O sabor - Representado pela partilha de saliva e
fluidos, pode revelar muito sobre o parceiro, o seu estado de saúde e muitas
vezes a compatibilidade entre os dois.
A visão - A atenta observação dos olhos
do parceiro durante o acto faz criar um elo maior na relação e faz transparecer
as fases de excitação e prazer por que cada um vai passando.
Estas práticas têm em comum a não ejaculação
por parte do homem como ponto principal para o aumento do prazer de
O mestre taoista Mantak Chia no seu livro
‘Taoist Secrets of Love’ ensina como não ejacular através dos
exercícios chamados ‘power lock’ que transcrevemos no final do artigo.
É sabido que o homem perde energia durante a ejaculação,
encurtando o tempo de duração do ato e depauperando a energia geral do organismo.
No caso da mulher, esta perde energia durante o período menstrual, gravidez e
partos. O taoismo ensina a " Domar o dragão vermelho" ou seja, controlar
o fluxo menstrual excessivo através de exercícios como “Respiração
Ovárica” .(Ver link no final do artigo)
Em relação às gravidezes, estas devem ser
espaçados, e a mulher deve recuperar durante um mês após o parto.
A prática destas técnicas deve, no entanto,
ser aprendida ou seguida de perto por um professor experiente.

No próximo artigo abordaremos o tema 'Contracepção'.
Artigo por Paula Madeira com ilustrações de Andreia Gomes.
Respiração ovárica:
( Taoist Secrets of Love- Mantack Chia)
1. Sitting position is the same as in Testicle Breathing—feet flat on the floor, wear loose pants or naked from the waist down. Stimulate your penis to erection. Center your attention on your sexual organs and the expanding energy in the penis and scrotum.
2. Inhale deeply through your nose when near orgasm. Simultaneously clench both fists, claw your feet down, make them feel like vacuum pumps sucking at the floor. At the same time clench your jaw, tighten the cranial pump at the back of your neck and press your tongue firmly to the roof of your mouth. Inhale once more and draw up the entire genital-anus region, concentrating on the Hui-Yin (perineum), urogenital diaphragm, and especially the penis. Pull the energy from the penis to the perineum by squeezing as tightly as possible. Holding your breath, slowly count to 9 with all muscles fully flexed. When you are out of breath, exhale and release all muscles in the body. You may feel energy rush up and down, especially in the sexual region.
After exercising for a week or two, you may actually begin to feel the muscle contraction pull your penis up and in. The anus will feel like it's closed super-tight. Unless indicated otherwise, all breathing is to be done through the nose. Nasal breathing affords better control of the air inhaled. It filters and warms the air and supplies life-force of well balanced quality. The whole body must relax on the exhale. Allow all tension to flow out of you as if you were in meditation. Inhale, clench, and pull up repeatedly on your sexual region, holding the energy at the perineum. The retention at the perineum is very important. If you release your attention the hot energy will drop down to the sexual organs or leak out to the penis. If you release the energy it will drop down and you'll have to start again. Do this for at least one week.
3. Start with arousing the penis. Clench fists, feet, neck, and jaw, on the inhale. Draw up the entire genital organs, diaphragm, anus, and especially the penis, pull the hot energy up the perineum and continue to draw it up to your coccyx. A little up from the bottom tip of your spine. Feel it enter the hiatus opening in the sacrum. Activate your sacral pump by arching your lower back outward in order to straighten the spine. This makes it easier for the chi to rise. Hold the energy at the sacrum section, keep on inhaling and pulling, inhaling and pulling in the sexual energy from the sexual organs until you can feel the erection calm down. Sometimes it may need 3-9 inhalations with increasingly hard contraction. Squeezing the buttocks more tightly may help you force the ching into the sacrum. When you're out of breath, exhale. Then relax and let your sacrum and neck go back to their normal positions, this will help activate the two pumps. If you practiced the Testicle Breathing (or already opened your microcosmic orbit), when you do the Power Lock it will be much easier to get the hot sexual ching to enter the sacrum. Otherwise this area is usually a little difficult to work through because sperm chi energy is denser than other types of chi and has to be pumped up. That's where the sacral pump comes in. Some people experience pain, tingling, or "pins and needles" pain. When the hot sexual energy enters the hiatus, don't be upset if it happens to you. You can help the ching get past the coccyx if you're having trouble with it by gently massaging the area with a silk cloth from time to time.
4. If you to go up to through your sacrum, spend the next week drawing the energy to T-ll on the spine, opposite your solar plexus. Repeat the same procedure—arousing, clenching , and inhaling. Pump up the energy up to the perineum, sacrum, then to the T-ll, where you should retain it until it feels full of energy. It's really open when you feel the ching itself. Again, because sperm energy is denser than chi, you have to accommodate to it by bowing your spine outward to straighten it to increase the pumping action and allow for a freer passage of ching chi upward.
5. Your next stopping place is at your jade pillow. This is at the back of your head, between C-l and the base of the skull. Do it in the same manner as described—keep drawing up the energy up to the perineum, sacrum, T-ll, and the base of the skull. The cranial pump may fill with energy and pound furiously when the energy first moves through.
6. The next stopping point for the energy is the Pai Hui, at the crown of your head. Repeat the same process of arousing and deflating your erection by drawing the energy up. Make sure you tuck in your chin slightly and squeeze in the skull to further activate the upper cranial pump and keep the upper spine straight. Keep on pulling the energy to the top of your head until you get the erection to subside. When the energy finally goes up into your head, you'll have the very distinct feeling of warmth and tingling sensations from the energy. The usual immediate response is that it feels good and amazingly refreshing. Some people claim they can think more clearly and are more creative; it's possible they are at a stage where they can easily convert the ching chi into expanded consciousness automatically. This sperm energy is later converted into the original chi, the pure life-force, in the spiritual levels of Taoist Yoga. When we get older we have used up so much of our brain energy that the fluids gradually begin to dry up, and leave a cavity in our head. The Power Lock helps to transport the sexual energy to fill the cavity; instead of storing it in the scrotum it is stored in the higher regions of the body/mind that can take immediate benefit from it. Taoists regard the sexual energy as a creative energy that can be transformed to any part of our vital organs, glands, or brain. Practice the Power Lock until you can pull up the sexual energy from the penis to the head in one pipe. In the beginning you can just go from one station to another. Later the back channel (governor channel) will feel more open. Eventually you will be able to put your mind in the testicles and at the crown of the head and just bring the sexual energy from the testicles all the way up to the brain. Take time to really feel the sexual energy when you practice. Don't rush it, and always keep those pumps going after the exercise as you breath in and out. Gradually use more mind than physical pull when you do all this. Let the energy feeling be your guide.
7. When you feel the energy has filled the brain, concentrate on the mid-eyebrow and bring it down through the nose and the palate and 90 Taoist Secrets Of Love down from the tongue to the throat center, heart center, solar plexus, and then down into the navel. This circulation is aided by the internal pressures created during the Power Lock. You press the lower trunk energy into and up the spine. At the same time, you press the energy in the upper body downward and hold the contraction as long as you can. When you exhale completely relax the whole body. The natural direction of the chi is to continue in a circle up the back of your body and down the front to the navel. Continue cycling the sexual energy in this way until your erection subsides. In the beginning, and especially if your very aroused sexually, it may take 3 to 9 such cycles to accomplish. But after you've practiced for awhile, one such round is enough.
8. Perform 36 complete contractions in the morning and at night. Once you've got the hang of it, for the normal man 36 repetitions, morning and night, should not be unduly strenuous. If you are very aroused you will do fewer repetitions as each erection will take longer to subside. With such intensity of training, you will easily develop the muscle tone needed for effective seminal retention within a month or two. How quickly you progress is not important; what is essential is that you progress steadily. Rock bottom minimum should be one round per day just to keep the habit. If you happen to see a pretty woman or photograph that arouses you during the day, you can instantly perform the Power Lock and draw the energy up. Make sure your boss is not watching as he may think you're having a seizure. The preferred times for these exercises are from eleven P.M. until one A.M. or 11 A.M. until one P.M. During these periods the tide of Yin Energy changes to Yang, and vice versa. The sun begins to rise around midnight and starts to set around noon. At these times the power flows very well. If you cannot practice during these hours, don't be discouraged: you will definitely advance so long as you exercise daily.
9. A final refinement to remember is that the lower contraction is not centered in the stomach or abdominal region. We concentrate on the front of the under trunk—the penis, perineum, and urogenital diaphragm. Our goal is to so train these muscles that they immovably dam up the seminal river. Then we will reverse the river's flow and flood the body with restorative energy. Directing power from the upper and lower trunk toward the center of the body pours energy into the navel region. Since the The Dance Of The Testes 91 seminal fluid (like the blood) tends to follow the chi energy, the navel, in effect, grips the seminal fluid and pulls it up into the body through the spine. So contract the urogenital diaphragm as if you were holding in a bladderful of urine. Lock the passage so tightly that no internal urge can burst through the sealing rings of muscle.